Short Inspirational Story - Fedex

Short Inspirational Story With Moral - FedEx

This inspirational story of the journey from starting to a billion-dollar company FedEx. The Founder, Chairmen, President and CEO Fredrick W. Smith, How they started their journey of FedEx.

Short motivational story of Fred Smith - CEO FedEx

The Start-

Fred Smith was an undergraduate in 1965 at Yale University as a part of his coursework, he wrote an economics paper named "Overnight delivery service in computer information age" exploring the transportation of goods in the United States. It's about how things delivered to you and me. He found that shippers were transporting parcels or items in large packages through trucks or by passenger airplanes.

Having a business mind he thought he had an efficient business model. He wrote the last minute paper, about a company transporting small items via plane, would be a better business model.
Because he was rushed, he never explained how that company would run and ended up on getting "C" Grade, In spite of getting "C" grade he didn't give up. In 1971, Smith took his personal fortune of 4 million dollars and raised around 90 million dollars to found a delivery company "Federal Express"

The Verge of Bankruptcy-

Unfortunately, three years after the company began Federal Express was on the verge of bankruptcy, Thanks to rapidly rising fuel costs. The company started losing $1 million a month, with no bank willing to give them any additional loans nor investors interested in contributing. Smith made a final pitch of funding to general dynamics but was rejected.

At this point, the company had was $5000 which was not sufficient to operate, as the cost need for fuel of an airplane was more than what he had.

A New Chapter-

Most of the people at this stage probably would have shut down. The rejection, Grade "C", losing $1 million a month but Smith had a different idea. He has flown to Las Vegas with remaining $5000, thanks to his blackjack skills he made $32,000 out of $5000. This was the turning point for the company, now they were able to supply fuels for their airplanes for few more days. Within these extra time span, Smith was managed to raise extra money to run the company. Today FedEx's net worth is around $ 4.5 Billion.
Read article 10 ways to achieve your life goals, how to become successful.

Moral of the story-

The interesting lesson we can learn from this short inspirational story is
motivational story with moral - FedEx

Short Inspirational Story - Fedex Short Inspirational Story - Fedex Reviewed by Suyog Zete on August 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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